our gurantee

All of our painting and decorating services come with a guarantee. We are confident in the level of workmanship we have developed over the past 20 years and the painting products we use. We can offer all of our residential and commercial clients the following Painters and Tiling Guarantee.


Internal Services


We promise to take our boots off before entering your property. If we can’t take our boots off, we will put boot protectors over them, so they don’t damage your floors.


Our workers always act professionally and make sure their work is clean and tidy.


To protect your furniture and other belongings, we will cover all of the floor space with drop sheets and plastic.


We guarantee that our professionals will do a good job in preparing your house before we start painting and Tiling.


Smoke stains and watermarks that could show through after painting will be properly primed with Primers and Sealers.


When you finish moving out, we will take all of your rubbish away and vacuum the floors. This will leave your home clean and tidy.


We always try to be on time for the services we offer. If we are running late for some unforeseen reason, we will call you to let you know why and when we will arrive.

Exernal Services


We use quality brand products on your property.


We guarantee that the paints we use will last for 15 years.


We promise to do what we say we will do.


We guarantee that your home and surroundings, including gardens, will be protected with plastic sheeting and drop cloths as needed.


We guarantee that all external areas of your home will be power washed. This will remove any loose paint, dirt, grime, or mould.


We promise to fix any loose nails and repaint them.


We will fill any cracks or holes and then sand them so they are not noticeable.


If there are any rotting timbers in your home, we will replace them before painting.


We take safety seriously. This means that we guarantee our workers are safe by being compliant with Work Health and Safety Procedures and Equipment.


We will leave any materials that we need to touch up the house on-site. We will label them so you know what they are for.

let's Make something great together

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